The Evidence
Multiple rigorous studies have shown consistent and strong learning gains in literacy and numeracy. Children’s excitement about school, attendance, and confidence as learners also improved.
The Impacts
Solar Infrastructure
According to a 2022 EPPSA report, only 15% of Malawian households have access to electricity. BEFIT will establish solar power systems in all primary schools in Malawi, providing renewable energy for 20+ years. Research shows that introducing electricity/power in schools can have multiplier effects such as extending studying hours, improving girls’ attendance and academic performance, and creating opportunities for community education.
ICT Capacity
Currently only 0.7% of the teachers in Malawi have ICT-training. BEFIT will provide technology training at every level of the education system (school, district, and national). As a result, the entire country will be in a significantly stronger position to embrace future innovations across the education sector.